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Country Using the Most Power Purchase Agreements?


According to a recent search The United States is a leading country when it comes to Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) with Europe being led by Spain.

power purchase agreement
Power Purchase Agreement

A PPA is a long-term contract between a power purchase agreement provider and a consumer whereby the consumer is supplied with green energy. Much of the investment is the responsibility of the PPA provider and the consumer agrees to take and use the green energy generated.

In 2023, the US announced 17.3 GW of PPA deals.

A Power Purchase Agreement can be offered as a small, medium or large generation project.

Currently Spain is the largest PPA market in the EU supplying around 8GW of green energy via power purchase agreements.

As one might expect Germany has seen significant growth in PPAs as has Scandinavia. 

There are many benefits for organisations entering into PPAs which include low investment, long-term supply of green energy and their cost of energy moving towards a fixed cost and away from a variable one.

Want to know more? Contact

or phone 020 3026 1856.


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