Power Purchase Agreements & Commercial Solar Installation
Since 2010
Our Power Purchase Agreement can:
Bring PPA expertise and guidance
Partner you on your PPA journey​
Plan and present to you options to find the best solution for you
Action and lead planning processes
Action and lead DNO liaison appplication and fulfill paperwork requirements
Plan, install and commission your system
Monitor, optimise and run your system
Maintain, service and guarantee your system
Offer contract break clauses allowing you to take full control if and when you wish​​​​​
A Bit About Power Purchase Agreement Providers
Entering into a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) might appear daunting yet, as with anything you need to bring into your business it's all about bringing-in the right expertise. None of us knows everything about everything in a business; that's why we build a team which offers the correct match of skills for the success of your power supply.
Anglia Solar has built a team - both in-house and out-of-house - offering Synergy to your PPA requirements.
Is a PPA right for you?
How much energy do you use?
Type of PPA
How much input do you want to have?
There are options depending on how much electricity you use. These options usually focus on annual usage points of 80,000kWh, 100,000kWh+ and 200,000kWh+
Are you looking for independent provision, partner provision or during-life ownership? Anglia Solar Synergy can offer options from installation through to fully funded - giving you your own green power station.
As a Power Purchase Agreement Provider, whatever you choose from our menu, we can offer a reliable supply of green electricity brought to you at predictable prices over a fixed number of years. In essence you will be able to budget for your energy needs knowing what they will cost. So, the menu then offers options of total external funding, partly funded or a path to ownership and full control.